Debbie Watson

“With her sound knowledge of grammar and an extensive vocabulary, Debbie appreciates the nuances of meaning. Her editing of material goes beyond superficial correction. She commits to ensuring clarity of structure and meaning, with the addition of some word magic.”

Leigh Melville, Head PEPPS College

“Ms Watson is the most competent and complete editor I have had the pleasure to work with during my career of more than forty years.”

Johan Mostert, Head: National Intelligence Estimates Board (Ret.)

“We are pleased to thank you for your outstanding efforts as a member of the project team that produced this special book. Your sincere efforts during the editing and proofreading process have made a valued contribution to the publication of this highly acclaimed book.”

Aida Abdullah Al-Azdi, Deputy Director General for Community Services, The Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research.


I bring over three decades of language expertise to the table. As an experienced editor and proofreader, I have worked for research centres and civil service departments nationally and internationally for most of my adult life.

After completing a BA Honors degree in French and Spanish, I worked as an editor, translator and teacher of languages for many years alternating residence in South Africa with stints in Europe, the US and the Middle East.

In 1996, I joined NICOC (National Intelligence Coordinating Committee) and wrote and edited high profile research documents and presentations for parliamentary and cabinet committees.

During a stint overseas from 2000 to 2005, I worked for a research and publishing centre in the Middle East. There I edited strategic monographs, compiled and managed the entire publication process of conference books, and wrote book introductions and blurbs on topics as varied as biotechnology, international interests in the Middle East, and leadership and management. I was also a member of the project team responsible for the delicate official biography of a renowned head of state.

During this period I also completed a BA Honors degree in English and a Masters degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages).

I remain committed to the highest levels of productivity, professionalism and confidentiality.